Dolgeville Forward, Inc.

Our Mission:

“Dolgeville Forward, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization of volunteers committed to improving life for the residents of the Village of Dolgeville and its surrounding areas.”

Along with its general operation, Dolgeville Forward, Inc. is comprised of eight subcommittees, each with its own specific vision, and each supporting the overall mission of the organization.

Activities and projects of Dolgeville Forward, Inc. are funded exclusively through donations, fundraising, and grants.

Membership in Dolgeville Forward, Inc. is open. That is, anyone wishing to join the organization is welcome to do so. As they say, “Many hands make light work!” Generally, Dolgeville Forward, Inc. meets once monthly, though due to COVID-19, the meeting calendar is irregular at this time.

If you would like to join Dolgeville Forward, Inc., or just receive updates, agendas, minutes, and other information via e-mail, please send an e-mail to and we’ll be sure to add you to our group e-mail blast.

Information is also available on our Facebook page.