Financial Support

Dolgeville Forward, Inc. relies completely on fundraisers, donations, and grants to fund all of its activities and initiatives. Since all members of the group are volunteers, 100% of the funding received is used to support the organization and its projects and initiatives.

Together We Can Make a Difference.jpg

Organizational costs include one-time Federal and State filing fees, basic office supplies, PO box rental, liability insurance, and accounting fees to ensure compliance with State and Federal regulations for not-for-profits.

The rest of the funding goes directly to community projects and initiatives.

Anyone wishing to donate to Dolgeville Forward, Inc. to help us advance our projects and initiatives may do so by:

  • Sending checks to Dolgeville Forward, Inc., PO Box 71, Dolgeville, NY 13329.

  • If you want your donation to be earmarked for a specific project or initiative (for example, the C.A.T. Project, the Center Park Project, or Beautification Committee) please note that in the memo section of your check so your donation can be attributed to that project or initiative.

Please note that since Dolgeville Forward, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit, any and all donations are tax deductible. For tax purposes, our organization’s Federal EIN is 83-1867980.

Thank you for your consideration of supporting our organization financially.